Training overview

EU Taxonomy

In Short

  • TriFinance Zaventem
  • 450
  • 23/01/2025
  • 13:00 – 17:00

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This program is carefully designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills necessary for successfully implementing and managing valuable business strategies and reporting requirements.

Starts at a minimum of 5 participants.

EU Taxonomy (4 hours)

In this session, we will focus on EU Taxonomy.

What will you learn during this training?

  • Introduction to EU Taxonomy
  • Step-by-step guide: a detailed overview of our five steps approach for performing a EU Taxonomy exercise
  • How to complete the required EU Taxonomy tables for turnover, capex and opex, with practical examples
  • Key insights & practical examples: advanced insights and detailed discussion
  • Best practices and lessons learned during EU Taxonomy exercises at our clients.

Join us in this masterclass to gain a deep understanding of how to help businesses and investors identify and support sustainable economic activities, fostering long-term growth while meeting climate and environmental goals.

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