Event 16/05/2024

ESG webinar: How grants can help your sustainability funding

In the coming years the sustainability landscape will be influenced by ESG-compliance. To help you navigate through the challenges and requirements, we will be organizing a number of webinars with relevant topics to share meaningful insights and best practices. Our industry experts will be hosting the webinars in English and include a Q&A to help answer your questions and encourage interaction amongst peers. We hosted three webinars in 2023 and seven more are scheduled in 2024. 

16/5: How grants can help your sustainability funding

This webinar will help you get valuable information about:

  • A deepened understanding of the EU grant landscape;
  • Insights into budgeting and overview of the different programs;
  • Pragmatic best practices including the roadmap of grant applications.

Industry experts Stuey Hamelink and Steve Waeyaert share valuable insights insights on legislation, trends, best practices and businesses' role in addressing environmental and social issues. Sustainability expert Gaëlle De Baeck will host the webinar and lead the Q&A.

Timing webinar: 9am to 10am.

Participation is free of charge. To secure your spot, please register by 13/5 by us clicking the button below:

Registration webinar 16 May

Registration webinar 16 May